AI Generated Imagery

Bellomy limits the use of AI generated imagery to only subsystems where no alternative method is available.

AI imagery displayed in Bellomy’s tools is provided as an exemplar for the intended use, but not intended to be presentation ready for final use in a static document/PowerPoint deck, Word Documents, Excel spreadsheet, PDF, etc.

In most cases AI imagery is used to fully capture the core purpose of a given feature and is required to meet that end.

At present, only low resolution AI imagery is ever used in the Bellomy tech stack. A low resolution is used to meet the basic needs of the feature and to limit the utility of the generated imagery beyond that purpose.

AI imagery in its current form has a number of limitations that should be noted:

  • AI imagery that presents animals and people will often exhibit unusual renderings of hands, feet, paws, ears and eyes
  • AI imagery will often exhibit unusual and out-of-place ‘artifacts’ that do not fit the overall image
  • AI imagery will sometimes result in the blending of objects together in unusual ways
  • On rare occasions it is possible for AI imagery to produce completely unexpected and non-prompted outputs.
  • AI imagery of humans may not always catch the cultural or historical context of the target human persona correctly